
Showing posts from May, 2022

On the Nature of the Soul

 One of mine asked, "What happens to energy when we die?" This gave me cause to think on the subject. There is, of course, the scientific explanation. We are a bouncing mass of kinetic and potential energy, and when we die it is redistributed to the Universe, as heat, as food, as nutrients. If we donate, part of our energy is used by others for science or to restore life. Energy is neither created or destroyed. And that is all true, but what happens to the energy that makes I responded that it really depended on what you believed a soul was.  The existence of a soul is a fairly hot debate, and some religions are defined by it. We all are taught to believe in our souls, imagining some glowing ball in our chests, but this is not so. There is no physical manifestation of a soul to our knowledge. Some faiths place the soul in the head, near to the third eye, while some place it in the chest, near the heart. This demonstrates an alliance with reason and faith or with love

Welcome to the Pine Stump

 When polling the Polestari, one of the top requests for interactions was a personal blog from your Paladin. Well, here we are. Here, you'll be helping keep me on track for writing new parts of our holy book, answering questions, and letting you know my thoughts, inspirations, dreams, and questions of my own. I can't wait to share the journey with you.