On Pride and the Divine Self

This month is Pride month. In our area, the celebration of Pride has moved back to June to match the rest of the country and out of September. That means this is the perfect time to talk about our faith's thoughts on the LGBTQ+ population. 

If you sat with any of us, you would know the answer to this question. But in perpetuity, it may someday be thought that a devotion to the natural and primal forces would be against diversions from a procreative norm. So let me be clear - this is not the case in nature, and it is not the case in Primali. There are over 1500 species of animal whose sexual practice diverts from the procreative, from invertebrates to animals we would normally call "noble", such as lions, orcas, and ravens. It is the hypothesis of scientists that homosexuality continues in the natural world to provide non-procreative families for abandoned or orphaned young. To use the vulgar - gays exist to save the children. 

Oh, the Universe is multifoliate. If we all had the same experience, what would be our purpose in life? We exist to exist - to live our experiences and to one day leave them with the Universe and try again. Each life we live is unique and special, and while our choices and beginnings can certainly make some better or worse, no one life has innately more value (or less) than any other. In this lies the basic idea of the Divine Self, and it answers the question perfectly. A transgendered person is living their experience. A cisgendered person is living their experience. A gay or lesbian or nonbinary or asexual or demisexual or polyamorous or agendered or pansexual or otherwise queer person is living their experience. 

The beautiful part of being absolved of a divine quest other than your own is that you have the choice to bring right action into the world. There is no sin for us - no Force cares particularly whether you do wrong any more than the wind will change if you run a red light. However, there is wrong action, against yourself and others. And the Forces that make you up, that make up other Divine Selves, do care. So if the Forces are not good or evil, it is up to us to make the choice to bring good action into the world. That good action should encompass the existence of other Divine Selves. It should lift others up, it should strive to make a better Society. It should look at another living their experience and go, "Tell me your truth and I will tell you mine, and we will understand, because I will listen.". 

Unfortunately, every human being doesn't ascribe to this. I can respect another's humanity and simultaneously refuse to accept that their point of view is valid to me. I can say they are no greater or lesser than I and yet defy their hatred of me. And this is what has to happen, what has always happened. In our society, the LGBTQ+ community is still marginalized, looked down upon, and persecuted, and this is where Divine Defiance picks up. 

Pride is a statement of defiance - it celebrates the defiance of Marsha P. Johnson, a black transwoman, who's actions started the outcry of the Stonewall Riots. It remembers generations lost to hatred and ignorance. It uplifts those who bravely chose to live their experience out loud, blazing trails for those who would come after. And it creates a moment of Divine Society in those who otherwise may feel alone. It is the message of the Divine Self for everyone - that you are made of star stuff, a breathing, feeling, thinking part of the Universe itself given form, and that all of the Universe is equally made of that sparkling energy. 

So if you ask, does Primali approve of LGBTQ+ people, understand that the answer is more than "yes". They should be a protected part of the fabric of our society, as all attempting to peacefully live their lives. There is no excuse for hatred except for one's own choices and actions - never because of who you are, what color you may be born, where you may be from, or who you are drawn to love. 

All Divine Selves means All People, and there can be no contestation of this clarity. 

Peace to you this Pride month. Whether it applies to you, or if you celebrate with a relative or friend, know that you are made of the stars, and that is just fabulous. 
